John El Hanafi

Welcome to kitchen chaos unlocked

It’s amazing to acknowledge that a big part of who we are today was shaped by how we were influenced growing up as children; as in any domain, food is no exception of course. Hi! I’m Chef John, and I’m the content creator, recipe developer, engineer and the brains behind Kitchen Chaos Unlocked.

I spent a big part of my life learning about different types of foods, their benefits, and the impact of various spices on flavors; it is so much fun!

Whatever you think you know, you probably know more! Make sure to dig deeper and discover the chef in you. You are going to create amazing things and I’m proud of you.

The best type of food is the one you make at home

Kitchen Chaos Unlocked is designed to help you discover the “Chef” in you, and then speak it out loud. My website goes beyond  the scope of writing down recipes, but dives into what it means to discover the “chef” in you and even go further with some witty and heartwarming stories related to creating them!

If you feel living more authentically could allow you to have a greater impact on others, or you can’t find the words to speak your truth as boldly as you know you need to, this is the website for  you.

Kitchen Chaos Unlocked will include recipes identifications, instructions, equipment list, ingredients, time estimate, and serving suggestions. Additionally, some recipes will include anecdotes,  background history and unique recipe heritage stories. A behind the scenes photos that will only be available on our website.

Quick Recipes for Busy Lives

Here are some healthy recipes that are blessedly easy to make on busy weeknights!

Soup is the best


The best snack


The best Salmon of all times


The best French Pastry


10 Things That You Don’t Know About Me

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

Here are a few things you didn’t know about me!

  • My DNA results are in. Thanks to Ancestry for the wonderful opportunity! I was a bit surprised to find out that I am more of a mutt than I thought I was. The DNA test concludes that I am a mixture of Italian, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, North Africa, South Africa, West Asia and more… My mother-in-law made a joke that this is why I get along with everybody, Ha! Any distant cousins out there?
  • I love to create new things and I always ask a lot of questions! This always leads to new connections, opportunities, and many healthy adventures.
  • A polyglot! I efficiently speak 4 languages and navigate through two more; y’know: Where is the bathroom, I’m hungry, and can I have more sauce?
  • I live a sustainable life and most of our veggies are harvested freshly from our raised garden beds right here at home, or purchased from a small local produce market in town.
  • I enjoy playing soccer and I love healthy competition! I made many friends over the years playing all over the country, especially in the Philadelphia area. Have we met?
  • I’m obsessed with Caffè latte! When I am working throughout the day, I make a very distinguished Caffè latte that’s very sweet and drink at least three lattes a day! Do you think it’s excessive?
  • I’m not a big fan of a sharp knife, I think it’s overrated! You don’t need a sharp knife to be a chef or cook an excellent homemade meal.
  • I cannot cook if my kitchen is messy! Cooking is more of a focused approach for me and creating food entails more than just “putting things together” – it’s an art form and having the right atmosphere sure contributes to meal success.
  • Generally, I do not like to eat much but I get great joy watching other guests, family, and friends enjoy what I make. I’m sure my family and friends are reading this now and thinking: When are you moving in? Ha!

Mission, Vision, and Values

At the heart of my culinary journey is a deep passion for sharing exceptional recipes that go beyond the plate. A genuine and authentic experience that combine creativity, technique, and the finest ingredients. A dining experience to the highest level.

My culinary vision is a journey toward redefining gastronomic boundaries, infusing creativity into every aspect of the dining experience, and leaving a lasting impression on the world of food.

I celebrate the diversity of culinary traditions around the world. By incorporating global influences into my creations, I aim to honor and appreciate the rich tapestry of flavors that different cultures bring to the table.

Stay up to date and keep in touch on social media!

Let's create some magic

Contact john